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We all get stuck sometimes, and SymTech Labs is here to help. ConsultingSymTech hardware and software specialists have the necessary resources to help your design firm with most projects.

We specialize in embedded design solutions for the automobile and scientific research laboratory industries. Whether you need help designing the circuit, laying out the circuit board, or programming the processor, we can help.

Sometimes your company just does not have the manpower. Sometimes your staff does not have the experience. Whatever the reason, SymTech can help you finish your projects, or help improve your current designs to meet efficiency, cost, or space constraints.

    Design Digitization

DigitizationSymTech Labs is a highly qualified design digitizer, using state-of-the-art computerized drafting and design tools. We can take pre-existing designs, or even descriptions of ideas, and turn them into fully workable blueprints or schematics.

Our design team currently uses AutoDesk’s AutoCAD and SolidWorks 2006 for 2D and 3D plans. We use the COSMOS suite of programs to analyze designs for stress, load, for computational flow dynamics (CFD) and for animations. Our team uses EAGLE PCB Layout Editor and ExpressPCB for circuit schematics and printed circuit board layouts. We can work with most file types, and can even work off hand written plans or ideas.


PrototypingOur strong foundation in research and development makes us the perfect choice for bringing your idea or project to life. SymTech Labs is a fully equipped prototyping firm prepared to meet any challenge.

SymTech designers are extremely adept at specialized and embedded circuit design. From designing an efficient and robust circuit, to producing a space efficient layout, to realizing a viable working model, we can handle all projects.

Innovation and efficiency are our goals. Based on your input, we incorporate the desired features around specified constraints to produce a highly efficient model.

Our hardware specialists can design any circuit using either analog or digital components. If your application requires memory and programmed logic, we can embed a variety of today’s powerful microcontrollers from Microchip, Ubicom, and others to meet the needs of any task.


SymTech Labs is a premier domestic, small scale circuit board production house.  We currently
offer both single and double sided circuit boards, using either conventional through-hole technology, or SMT.  We also offer solder screen and silk screening options.

Just bare boards?  No problem.  Do you need fully populated and soldered PCB's?  We’ve got you covered.  SymTech Labs is prepared to meet your needs. 

Our facilities are perfectly suited for the hobbyist, developer, or other consumer who purchases boards on a small scale.  We can handle production runs of up to 1,000 units depending on complexity.

Please contact our sales staff for price quotes and time frames.

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